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How to Potty Train a Pug

Training a pug is challenging, mainly because of its stubbornness and tendency to get distracted easily. Potty training that involves teaching them to eliminate at a specific location and not everywhere around the house is even more difficult but not impossible.

If you have got a pug puppy home, then start training at 12 -16 weeks, as that is the time from when they start acquiring control over their bladder. In the case of an adult pug that you may have acquired from an adoption center, potty training could be quite challenging. You would have first to reshape its behavior, teach it to follow commands and obey you, and then begin housetraining.

Small dogs come with smaller bladders, and the pug falls in this category. Many small dog owners have opted for litter box training to lessen the chances of accidents. With a potty set up at home, the dog could go to the designated spot anytime it pleases rather than messing up the house. Yet, this method has its own set of cons: litter box-trained breeds are more prone to accidents off and on. Hence, it is always recommended to teach a puppy to relieve itself outdoors, even if you plan to housetrain it at home in the future.

A Few Steps to Potty Train a Pug

  1. Fix a potty schedule that should be (i) once your pug wakes up (ii) 20 – 30 minutes after every meal (iii) after every nap they take throughout the day (iv)  before taking them out on a walk (v) before you leave and after you return home (if keeping the dog alone for a while) (vi)  before bedtime.
  2. Select a toilet spot that could perhaps be a sheltered area in your yard or garden or somewhere adjacent to your home, easily recognizable by your dog. If living in an apartment, you may keep a litter box at one corner of your home and teach your dog to eliminate there. Ensure to take it to the same spot each day lest it may get confused.
  3. Leash train it first, even before starting potty training, as while taking it out, you would need to make it wear a leash to control its movements.
  4. Associate a particular command or cue with their actions like “Pee pee,” “Go potty,” or “Toilet” and utter it loud and clear once they are eliminating.  Initially, they may not understand its meaning, but saying the command repeatedly would make them relate it with their action of relieving themselves.
  5. Reward him with praise like ‘good job’, ‘great work’ etc., and even treats (though not always as that could trigger weight gain) for every successful attempt.

Tips to Keep in Mind

  • Don’t engage in a chat or game with your dog when you’ve taken it out to eliminate. Otherwise, he will take the entire procedure as another play session. Let him realize that it’s serious business, and there’s no escaping until the task is completed.
  • If your pug is barking at night and you aren’t sure about the reason, the best thing would be to take it out to eliminate or to the toilet or litter box if you have set it up at home. Take it to the bathroom, wait for it to eliminate and then bring it back to bed. If it does not relieve itself, get it back to bed instantly.
  • Don’t shout at it or punish it if it accidentally pees on the floor or carpet, a common occurrence in the initial days. It could increase its stubbornness, making toilet training all the more difficult.
  • Give it crate training too so that you could put it there on occasions you aren’t around to supervise its actions.  A dog would rarely soil its dwelling, so chances of accidents would also lessen.

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